

David Johnston

Tennessee-based landscape photographer passionate about helping you improve your photography through online courses.

Brands Worked With

  • The Nature Conservancy
  • Outdoor Photography Guide
  • Fujifilm
  • Tamron

Creative Interests

  • Landscape Photography
  • Natural Design Photography
  • Timelapse Photography

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David Johnston


David started his journey in photography in 2004 when he took a film photography course in high school. It was an amazing experience to shoot with film and then bring those images to life in the darkroom. There is definitely an enormous difference in film and digital photography. Film cameras taught how to get my light correct in-camera as best possible.

However, it was in 2010 that he really became obsessed with photography after he got his first DSLR camera. David decided to put all of his energy into photography to make it his career.

In 2014 David started his first blog and podcast called Photography Roundtable. Those had a good run with the podcast and it enabled him to meet some of his best photography friends, teach, and run photography workshops in national parks in the United States.

In 2017 David and his wife had a major life change. They moved to Haiti to become missionaries. David's wife ran maternal health programs and David helped with logistics. Even in Haiti, David still wanted to do photography and teach in some way. So, he turned to YouTube to share his landscape photography ideas and techniques for people to learn for free.

In 2019, David and his wife made the difficult decision to return to our home state of Tennessee which is where they live now. David is passionate about helping people improve their nature photography with online video. Video content on YouTube, post-processing courses, and video tutorials are his favorite ways of helping people with their photography. One of his favorite ways of talking about landscape photography is through my podcast called The Landscape Photography Show.