An image without an alt, whoops
Take the Edge Off Your Shots.

CineBloom Diffusion Filters

Capture dreamy, film-like vibes straight out of a camera.
Made for phones and cameras.

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with CineBloom

Blooms light and softens hard edges,
no post-processing required.

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without CineBloom

Contrasty, clinically sharp image.

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To put the CineBloom to the test,
we filmed Spotify Canvases
with The Marías.

Moment CineBloom Diffusion Filters

Take the edge off your digital sensor.

What is a Diffusion Filter?

The CineBloom Diffusion Filter takes the edge off your digital sensor. It not only catches and blooms light, but softens hard edges and has a smoothing effect on skin tones, making wrinkles less noticeable. Escape the clinical, ultra-sharp look of digital with this specialty glass.

An image without an alt, whoops
An image without an alt, whoops

What Makes it Unique?